Electrical and Computer Engineering


The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering consists of 30 units and either a thesis or project.

Graduate Program Objectives

The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering program at CSUN prepares students for lifelong careers in a field that will allow them to make productive contributions to society and find personal satisfaction in their work. To accomplish this, graduates with a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering will meet the following educational objectives:

  1. Understand advanced electrical- and computer-engineering principles, including in-depth training in one of the fundamental areas of electrical engineering.
  2. Apply advanced analysis, design and research methods to solve problems in electrical and computer engineering.
  3. Apply industry practices, emerging technologies, state-of-the-art design techniques and software tools to electrical and computer engineering problems.
  4. Communicate clearly through the appropriate communication medium.
  5. Appreciate the importance of lifelong learning and be motivated by a sense of exploration to continue learning.

Program Requirements

A. Requirements for Admission to the Program

  1. A bachelor’s degree in a technical field (i.e., engineering, physics, mathematics) from an accredited university or college, with an overall GPA of at least 2.75.
  2. Have at least a 2.7 undergraduate GPA in the last 60 semester units or 90 quarter units attempted.
  3. International students are required to submit a brief statement of purpose and three letters of recommendation.

Prerequisite Courses

Some or all of these prerequisite courses may be required depending on an applicant’s prior background. The graduate coordinator will determine the specific prerequisite courses on a case-by-case basis.

PHYS 220BL Electricity and Magnetism Lab (1)
Two ECE 400-level classes relevant to study objective and approved by the graduate coordinator.

B. Admission Procedure

Application forms are available online through Cal State Apply and can be completed and submitted online. The code number for the MSEE is 562440M. Application deadlines for admission are set by the Office of Admissions.

All applicants, regardless of citizenship, whose preparatory education was principally in a language other than English, must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and receive a minimum paper-based score of 550, a minimum computer-based score of 213 or a minimum Internet-based score of 79, or a score of 6.5 or higher on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

Continuing students in either postbaccalaureate or graduate status may change their objective and seek admission to M.S. in Electrical Engineering by filling out a change of objective form. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all University regulations and restrictions, such as:

  1. No more than 9 units of transfer or extension work.
  2. Academic notice and disqualification.
  3. Repeat of courses rules.
  4. Advancement to candidacy.
  5. Academic leave.
  6. A 7-year time limit for the completion of the degree.
  7. Graduation with distinction.
  8. No more than 9 units of 400-level courses can be counted toward the M.S. degree. Note: Students may not take a course (counting toward the M.S. in Electrical Engineering degree) that is the same or equivalent to a course taken toward one’s undergraduate program.

For details on the above, students are advised to meet with the ECE graduate coordinator. Prior to the formation of their graduate committee, graduate students are advised by the graduate coordinator. After the formation of their graduate committee, graduate students are advised by their committee chair. All courses taken toward the M.S. degree must be approved by the committee chair and the graduate coordinator.

C. Classified Graduate Status

The candidate must:

  1. Fulfill University requirements for classified status.
  2. Complete prerequisite courses with a 3.0 GPA or higher.
  3. Submit a tentative program of graduate study to the ECE graduate coordinator.
  4. Have a minimum grade of “C” or better in any course taken while maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

D. For the Degree

  1. Completion of 30 units under either the Thesis Plan or the Project Plan.
  2. Formal approval of granting of the degree by the Electrical Engineering faculty.

E. Graduate Program

The 30 units of coursework in the graduate program must form a cohesive plan of graduate study that consists of core courses and elective courses from one or more of the seven specializations currently offered in the ECE department. Inclusion of a course not in the ECE suggested or elective course list must have the written approval of the graduate coordinator prior to enrollment in the course.

F. Special Requirements

Students from nontechnical fields must fulfill most of the undergraduate prerequisite courses in math and physics outlined above with a 3.0 GPA or higher before applying for admission to the ECE program. No time limit applies to courses taken to satisfy M.S. prerequisite requirements.

G. Course Requirements

All coursework in the student’s graduate program must be completed with a “C” or better, while maintaining an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.