Environment Supplementary Planning Document

Westminster’s Environmental Supplementary Planning Document (ESPD) was adopted on 28 February 2022 and can be downloaded below.

It provides detailed advice and guidance on the environment policies in Westminster’s City Plan, supporting our aspirations to create a greener, cleaner and healthier city. The ESPD will help ensure that we drive emissions reductions and wider environmental sustainability through the city’s built environment.

ESPD Adoption Version.pdf

ESPD Adoption Version.pdf PDF, 9.77 MB, 136 pages

Prior to adoption, the council consulted on the ESPD between 17 May 2021 and 28 June 2021. A Consultation Statement explaining how consultation comments were considered and an Equalities Impact Assessment were published alongside the Cabinet Member decision and can also be viewed on the Decision’s portal.

The ESPD covers seven environment topics as follows – air quality, local environmental impacts, green infrastructure, flood risk, energy, waste management and retrofitting and sustainable design and provides -

It should be read together with the council’s City Plan, Code of Construction Practice, Validation Checklist, Freight, Servicing and Deliveries Strategy and other SPDs.

The ESPD should also be read in conjunction with the following guidance that has been subsequently published by the Mayor of London. Where the guidance listed below supersedes an earlier version of the same document that is referred to in the ESPD, you should instead refer to the latest version listed below:

Published: 20 May 2022

Last updated: 7 September 2022