Athletic Handbook & Code of Conduct

This brochure is presented to you because you and your son or daughter has indicated a desire to participate in interscholastic athletics at Bethlehem Central. Your family’s interest in this phase of our school program is gratifying. We believe that participation in sports provides a wealth of opportunities and experiences that enhance students’ education.

A properly controlled, well-organized sports program promotes the educational development of boys and girls and meets students’ needs for self-expression, mental alertness and physical growth. It is our intent to maintain a program that is sound in purpose and will further each student’s educational maturity.

When you and your child sign up for our athletic program, your family is committing to certain responsibilities. The program is governed by the regulations established by the Commissioner of Education’s basic code for extra-class athletic activities. In addition, league, district and school procedures have been established to protect and guide student athletes. This handbook will acquaint you with some of the specific policies that are part of our well-organized interscholastic athletics program.

Bethlehem Central is a member of the New York State Athletic Association, competing in Section II. Our league affiliation is with the Suburban Scholastic Council (SSC).

If there is anything I can do to make your participation in interscholastic athletics a better learning experience, please feel free to contact me at the High School, 439-4921, ext. 22113.

Len Kies
Director of Athletics

Principles of the Interscholastic Athletics Program

In sports, winning games is often considered the only measure of success, but not at Bethlehem Central. Interscholastic athletics serve as a miniature model of life, providing opportunities for students to learn responsibility, fair play, cooperation, concern for others, leadership, respect for authority, good citizenship, loyalty and tolerance. This is not to say that the will to win is not important. It is very much a part of an individual’s personal development and provides opportunities to fulfill one’s potential. Thus, the athletics program, which is centered on the welfare of students, is a vital part of a Bethlehem Central education.

To fully realize its potential for educational enrichment, the interscholastic athletic program:

Participation in interscholastic athletics at Bethlehem Central is a privilege. This participation should elicit great pride among all school community members. Part of the responsibility that goes with the participation in school sports is the need to maintain satisfactory standards of behavior. This Interscholastic Athletics Handbook clearly defines the standards for student athlete behavior. It is the responsibility of each student athlete and his/her parents) to be familiar with the contents of this handbook. Before a student is permitted to participate on an athletic team, both the student and parent must sign an Interscholastic Athletics Participation form (located at the back of this handbook) and return it to either their coach or the Athletic Director. The signatures of both the student athlete and the parent indicate that each agrees to respect and abide by these rules and behavior expectations in order to participate in interscholastic athletics at Bethlehem Central.

Section II Sportsmanship Policy for Spectators

  1. Spectators are an important part of the games and are encouraged to conform to accepted standards of good sportsmanship and behavior.
  2. Spectators should at all times respect officials, visiting coaches, players, and cheerleaders as guests in the community and extend all courtesies to them.
  3. Enthusiastic cheering for one’s own team is encouraged.
  4. Booing, whistling, stamping of the feet, and disrespectful remarks shall be avoided.
  5. There will be no ringing of bells, sounds of horns, or other noisemakers at indoor contests during play. Anyone who does not abide by this rule will be asked to leave the premises.
  6. Pep bands or school bands, under the supervision of the school personnel, may play during time outs, between periods, or at half time. Bands must coordinate their play so as not to interfere with a cheerleading squad on the floor or field.
  7. The throwing of debris, confetti, or other objects from the stands is prohibited. Offending individuals will be asked to leave the premises.
  8. During a free throw in basketball, all courtesies should be extended.
  9. Spectators should encourage each other to observe courteous behavior. Improper behavior should be reported to the school authorities.
  10. Spectators will observe the rules of the local school concerning smoking, food and drinking consumption, littering, and parking procedures.
  11. Spectators will respect and obey all school officials and supervisors at athletic contests.

Anyone who does not abide by these rules will be asked to leave the premises.

Section II Sportsmanship Policy for Student Athletes

Learn and understand the rules of your sport. Play hard, play to win, but play fairly within the rules.

Do not allow your temper to distract you from the fundamentals of good sportsmanship. Maintain self-control. Respect your opponent. Never taunt. Congratulate him or her at game’s end. Acknowledge good play. Respect the integrity and judgment of the officials. Never question the decision of an official.

Be an example for your school, team mates and opponents. A player who is disqualified from a contest for unsportsmanlike behavior by an official is prohibited from playing in the next regularly scheduled contest game.

A player who strikes or otherwise physically assaults an official will be subject to an extended suspension from athletic competition. A physical confrontation with an official is any incident in which a player either strikes, bumps, or otherwise physically intimidates an official prior to, during or after a contest or game.

Student Athlete Code of Conduct

All student athletes in the Bethlehem Central School District are required to abide by the District Code of Conduct. Any violation of the District Code of Conduct that results in a student’s external suspension from school (including, but not limited to, the use or possession of alcohol, tobacco products and illegal drugs, vandalism, theft, assault, hazing and participation in drinking/drug parties) shall also be subject to terms of the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct.

Student athletes shall follow the requirements of this code and avoid any action(s) or the participation in an activity outside of school, which might lead to embarrassment or an unfavorable view of the athlete, his/her teammates, coaches, family, school or community. Any alleged violation(s) will be subject to review by the building administration, Athletic Director and/or coaching staff and may result in possible subsequent action. Examples of some behaviors that would be considered violations of the Athletic Code of Conduct are delineated in the attached appendix and are provided as a part of the Athletic Code of Conduct form that is signed by the student-athlete and parent. The list is not meant to be all-inclusive.

Application of the Athletic Code of Conduct

The Athletic Code of Conduct shall apply for one calendar year (including summer) from the date of the student’s most recent signature to this Code and will be in effect at all times, in all locations, and will include all school sponsored and non-school activities. Each coach also has the prerogative to establish and promulgate additional guidelines specific to his/her particular team, so long as such guidelines do not erode or minimize the criteria set forth herein.


First Offense: A game suspension of up to two (2) games during a 12-game schedule or four (4) games for a sport with a schedule of more than twelve (12) games, in addition to a one-year probationary period to follow the initial suspension. If the violation occurs during the season, the student-athlete may participate in practice sessions and shall attend all games but may not wear any uniform or team apparel. A counseling session shall be required and completed before the student-athlete may participate in a contest. In the event, a student-athlete violates this Code during the off season but within the one-year period covered by the Code, the student-athlete must serve the suspension during the next season in which he or she participates at Bethlehem Central. Please note if a 1st offense is considered to be more serious in nature the Athletic Director and High School Principal will meet to determine the ultimate consequence, which may be more serious than what is noted above.

Second Offense: For a second offense within the same season an immediate suspension for the remainder of the season and a one-year probation from that date. In order to try out for a sport during this probationary period, a student must be involved in a counseling program. In the event, a student-athlete is suspended but the mandatory suspension cannot be completed during the immediate season, the student-athlete must complete the suspension in the next season in which they participate in any sport at Bethlehem Central. In the event, a student-athlete violates this Code during the off season but within the one-year period covered by the Code, the student-athlete must serve the suspension during the next season in which he or she participates in any sport at Bethlehem Central.

Third Offense: One-year suspension from all Interscholastic Athletics.

Self-Referral: A student-athlete who self-reports a violation of this Code and who requests assistance regarding a violation of the Code prior to the violation being brought to the attention of District personnel will be provided with appropriate assistance and support. A one-year probationary period shall become effective upon such report and the student-athlete may be removed from competition. The Principal and Athletic Director shall maintain a written record of the self-referral in the student management system. Any future violation will be handled as a second offense unless self-reported by the student-athlete and the building Principal, in consultation with the Athletic Director. The Athletic Code of Conduct Committee reserves the right to review facts and circumstances to determine whether a lesser penalty is warranted.

Athletic Code of Conduct Infractions (appendix)

Bethlehem Central School District Student-Athlete Code of Conduct may result in both external or internal suspension from school and/or suspension from participation in interscholastic athletics. Examples of suspendable activities include but are not limited to:

NOTE: It is school district policy that a coach may supplement sanctions for the defined student athlete training rules. The Athletic Director and High School Principal must approve theses sanctions prior to the start of the season. A student/parent-signed notification of these sanctions will need to be returned to the coach and will be filed in the athletic office prior to the first practice. A student who self-refers when a team is employing supplemental sanctions will still follow the procedures outlined in the self-referral process.

Team Standards

In addition to observing regular school policies that are in effect at all times, student athletes must:

Coaches will impose an appropriate penalty and notify the Athletic Director. Continued violations may result in dismissal from the team.

Attendance Policies

Participation in an activity or sport is but one part of a student’s educational program. It is understood that students will be present in school in order to participate in a practice, game or activity that day for 4 or more consecutive class periods. Any student missing more than four periods in a day for medical reasons, religious observances, court appearances or other legal reasons must have the absence substantiated by a written notice from the parent and bring the note to the main office upon the student’s arrival at school. Any student missing a full day of school may not participate in a practice, game or activity unless the absence was due to being part of a school district sanctioned field trip.

Team and activity members on suspension for any disciplinary infraction will not be allowed to practice or participate in any event for the day. In the case of assignment to detention, students will be expected to attend this assignment before reporting for an extracurricular activity. All student athletes are required to be prepared for and participate in Physical Education classes on days of scheduled team practices or contests.

Guidelines for Student Participation in Varsity and JV Athletics

In order for students to participate in BC varsity and JV level athletics it is necessary for student athletes to attend all practices and contests. Dedicated participation on the part of each student athlete is essential to the morale and performance of the entire team. Athletes and their families are expected to plan trips and other foreseeable family obligations around the athletic calendar.

If student athletes are unable to fulfill their obligations to the team, they may choose not to participate for the season. Should extenuating circumstances be known prior to the season beginning, the student should communicate this information to the coach or the Athletic Director before the first day of try outs.

Student athletes who miss a scheduled contest(s) during the season shall be deemed ineligible for an equal number of contest(s). The Athletic Director shall determine all matters of student eligibility. Appeals for special circumstances may be submitted to the Athletic Director and the High School Principal.

Student Eligibility

According to NYSPHSAA Regulation, a pupil shall be eligible for interscholastic competition, provided that he/she is a bona fide pupil, enrolled during the first 15 days of the semester, is registered in the equivalent of three regular courses, is meeting the Physical Education requirements, and has been in regular attendance 80 percent of the time. Bona fide absences caused by personal illness are accepted. The State sets regulations concerning daily attendance at practices, and the minimum number of practices before being eligible for competition for each sport. Your coach will inform you of these rules.

Dropping off a team
If you quit a team (after teams have been selected), you cannot go out for another team that season, unless permission is gained from both coaches and the Athletic Director.

Mixed Competition
The deadline for those signing up for a team of the opposite sex is two months prior to the first day of practice. A letter of interest must be submitted to the Athletic Director.

Transfer Rule
A student transferring into the Bethlehem Central School District or from the District must be approved for competition according to the Section II rules. Violations may result in the forfeiture of athletic contests.

NCAA Requirements

Student athletes must be registered and certified by the NCAA I Eligibility Center prior to participation in college-level sports. Please contact your school counselor at the end of your sophomore year for the proper NCAA eligibility registration materials.

Any student enrolling in a Division I or II college or university who is interested in participating in athletics at the collegiate level must meet specific initial eligibility requirements. All prospective student-athletes are strongly encouraged to register at the NCAA Eligibility Center.

Sports Try-Outs

Regarding Team Selection:

Philosophy by Sport Level

Modified (grades 7 & 8):
This program is available to all students in the 7th and 8th grades. One is ineligible when the 16th birthday is attained, however, if a student attains the 16th birthday during a sport season, he/she may complete that sport season. Sport activities offered are determined by existence of leagues, student interest, relationship to the high school program and board approval. At this level the focus in on learning athletic skills and game rules, fundamentals of team play, socio-emotional growth, physiologically appropriate demands on the adolescent body and healthy competition. This program is designed to offer students the opportunity to engage in a more highly organized competitive experience than what is found in intramural or recreation programs, but not as involved as those found in varsity and junior varsity interscholastic competition. An attempt will be made to give all team members meaningful contest participation or the course of a season.

Junior Varsity (JV) & Freshman:
This program is intended for those who display the potential of continued development into productive varsity level performers. Team membership varies according to the structure of each sport, but sophomores and freshmen occupy the majority of the roster positions. In certain situation, juniors who are expected to make contributions at the varsity level will be considered for JV participation. Also, 7th and 8th graders who have satisfied all selection classification requirements, may be included. At this level increased emphasis is placed upon elements and strategies of team play, physical conditioning, refinement of fundamental skills and socio-emotional development. The JV program works towards achieving a balance between continued team and player development and striving for victory. The outcome of the contest becomes a consideration at this level. An attempt will be made to play all participants, however, equal playing time is never guaranteed nor is it required. With the goal of becoming a varsity athlete clearly in sight, a high level of dedication and commitment is expected at the junior varsity and freshman level.

The varsity level of interscholastic athletic competition is the culmination of the high school athletic program. Normally, seniors and juniors make up the majority of the roster, however, gifted sophomores and sometimes freshmen may be included. It is also possible for 7th or 8th grader, who has met the selection classification requirements to be included on the varsity roster. This occurs more in sports commonly classified as “individual” (track, swimming, golf, etc.). Team play, sportsmanship, individual physical ability, motivation of mental attitude are very important aspects of competition at this level. While contest participation over the course of the season is desirable, a specified amount of playing time is never guaranteed. It is vital that each team member have a role and know its importance. Preparing to win and striving for victory in each contest are worthy goals of a varsity level team. The varsity coach is the leader of his/her sport program and is responsible for communication and system development among each level.

Athletic Placement Process

Students in grades 7 and 8 who are exceptional athletes may try out for freshman, junior varsity and varsity teams. These exceptional athletes must follow guidelines set by the Commissioner of Education and Bethlehem Central pertaining to Athletic Placement Process. By satisfying the requirements of Athletic Placement Process, a student may receive extended eligibility to participate during:

In order to participate in Athletic Placement Process and try out for a HS level team, students in grades 7 and 8 must:

Any student in grades 7 or 8 who is unable to attend the testing or who does not pass the Commissioner’s criteria is ineligible to participate on teams other than at the Modified level.

Duration of Competition

A student is eligible for high school athletic competition in a sport during each of four consecutive seasons of such sport, commencing with the student’s entry into grade 9 and ending with the student’s graduation. A student reaching age 19 before September 1 may not participate during that school year.


Students will be transported to and from all away athletic contests by school authorized vehicles. Parents may get prior approval to transport their own child home if there are extenuating circumstances.

Sports Physicals and Risk Factors in Sports

Participation in sports involves a certain degree of risk for injury. Such physical injury can occur in any type of sports activity and can vary in nature. Athletic injuries can run from minor injuries, such as bruises and scrapes, to more serious injuries such as fractures, dislocations, concussions, paralysis and even death.

Sports physicals must be performed and/or approved by our school physician before a student is allowed to practice. The sports physical is in force for one calendar year and, in some instances, for the season following the one-year anniversary of that physical. Copies of all physicals performed by family doctors (not at school) need to be turned into the school nurse. Parents must fill out a medical sports update form and return it to the school nurse just prior to each season.

All injured athletes who have been seen by a physician must be released by that physician (with a signed statement) in order to resume participation with their team. This release must be filed with the school nurse. In cases of a long-term or severe injury, clearance by the school physician may also be necessary prior to a student athlete’s return to practice and competition.

A concussion management mandate became effective on July 1, 2012 for all NYS schools. In following with it and as part of the district’s concussion management policy, those who participate in a freshman, JV or varsity level contact sports will have the option to take a pre-concussion cognitive assessment test before the team’s sports season begins.

Sports Medicine

Athletic training services will be provided to students through a certified Athletic Trainer who will be available on a regular basis at the high school in the Fitness Center Office. Post injury lab hours should be set between the athlete and the athletic trainer.


The Bethlehem Central Athletic Association (BCAA) comprises representatives from the individual sports booster clubs. The goal of the BCAA is to provide a margin of excellence for district interscholastic athletic programs. Summer camp scholarships, college scholarships, awards, the sports book and equipment are just some of the services that are provided. Any student athlete except graduating seniors can apply for a summer camp scholarship. Applications are accepted each year through the last day of school.

Fundraising Guidelines

Any group wishing to run a fundraiser must complete a Fundraising Guidelines and Request form from the Athletic Office and return it to the Athletic Office to be submitted to the HS building Principal for approval. No fundraiser activity may begin until the form is approved and returned to you.

Managing Fundraising Activities:

What Items are Appropriate for Fundraisers?

Issuing of School Clothing and Equipment

It is the responsibility of the athlete to return back to the coach all clothing and equipment issued. Failure to do so will result in an athlete paying for the missing articles. Athletes not paying for the missing articles will forfeit their right to receive any school equipment or clothing in the next sports season, be ineligible for any certification pin or letter and have their report card held until payment is received. A list of all violators will be sent to the director of athletics.

It should be understood that locker is the property of the school and the administration reserves the right to examine it, and its contents at any time with reasonable cause. Each student is encouraged to make sure that the locker is kept securely locked at all times and to share the combination with no other student.

The school and district are NOT responsible for lost or stolen items left in lockers. The athletic team room lockers are for athletic practices and not for physical education class. These lockers are cleaned out promptly at the end of each season.

Athletic Awards

General Requirements For All Awards: To be eligible for an athletic award, a student athlete must complete the season, although the coach may make exceptions (pending approval by the Athletic Director) in unusual cases. The student athlete must be a good representative of the school and team and abide by all of the rules and regulations outlined in this Interscholastic Athletic Handbook. Letter awards will be made only upon the recommendation of the coach.

Letters: An athlete may receive one felt Varsity “B”, J.V. “B”, and/or white “B” during their athletic career.

Emblem: A student athlete will receive an emblem pin with their first letter in a particular sport.

Service Bar: A service bar is given to a student athlete who has already received a Varsity felt “B” and emblem. A student will earn one additional bar each year they participate.

Freshman Numerals: Graduation numerals will be awarded to 9th grade student athletes in freshman level sports only.

Requirements by Sport: Each individual coach will establish criteria for earning a varsity letter in his/her sport. A varsity letter is not given for participation and attendance alone. It must be earned in accordance with coaching criteria.

Award Banquets: Alcohol and alcoholic consumption of Bethlehem Central Athletic events and awards banquets are against school district policy whenever possible, banquets should be held in a facility where alcohol cannot be sold during the function and at no time can alcohol be available in the banquet room.

How to Get There

The majority of BC interscholastic athletic contests are played within the Suburban Scholastic Council, although some sports compete against schools in other leagues. The directions that follow are to the high schools within the SSC.

Albany High School – 475-6312

Averill Park High School – 674-3826

Ballston Spa High School – 884-7150

Burnt Hills/Ballston Lake High School – 399-9141

CBA – 452-9809

Colonie Central High School – 459-1220

Columbia High School – 207-2080

Guilderland High School – 861-8591

Mohonasen High School – 356-5062

Niskayuna High School – 382-2531

Saratoga High School – 583-4780

Schenectady High School – 881-3516

Shaker High School – 785-5511

Shenendehowa High School – 881-0390

Troy High School – 328-5417